PAWE Version 2.1 Help File, May 2014

Written by Derek Gordon


1.    Overview and Purpose

a.       The name of this program is PAWE, which stands for Power of Association With Errors. Over the years, there have been numerous publications documenting the presence of genotype misclassification errors and methods to detect and address these errors in statistical analyses. See Pompanon et al. (2005), Gordon and Finch (2005), and Miller et al. (2008) for reviews.

b.      Among genotype misclassification errors, there are two types: (i) differential, in which error rates are different in cases and controls; and (ii) non-differential, in which error rates are the same. The effect of differential misclassification errors is an increase in the false positive rate, i.e., when the null hypothesis is true (similar to population stratification). The effect of non-differential misclassification is a decrease in statistical power to detect association. The PAWE webtool considers only non-differential genotype misclassification.

c.       The purposes of the PAWE program are two-fold: (i) to compute power and sample size calculations for genetic case-control association studies in the presence of genotype misclassification errors; and (ii) to determine quantitatively how much, in terms of decrease in asymptotic power for a fixed sample size, or increase in sample size to maintain constant asymptotic power, errors cost the researcher performing genetic association studies with cases and controls. Thus, results from the PAWE program will be either asymptotic power or sample size values.

d.      This file is designed to explain to you the different values entered into the PAWE program, so that a meaningful answer is obtained. This program is designed to perform asymptotic power and sample size calculations for genetic case-control studies with a di-allelic locus (for example, a SNP) in the presence of misclassification. The test statistics considered are the linear trend test and the chi-square statistic for genotypic association. In what follows, it will be assumed that there is a di-allelic trait locus for a discrete trait with two alleles: a wild-type allele or low risk allele, denoted by +, and a trait or high-risk allele, denoted by . Also, it will be assumed that there is a marker locus with two alleles, denoted by 1 and 2.


2.    Parameter Settings

a.      Asymptotic Power or Sample Size

                                                               i.      The researcher who has a fixed sample size and wants to know the value of asymptotic power for his/her study in the presence of errors should choose the option "Power for a fixed sample size".

1.      Number of cases

In this box, you specify the number of case individuals you have. These individuals are assumed to be both phenotyped and genotyped. The number typed in this box must be a positive integer.

2.      Number of controls

In this box, you specify the number of control individuals you have. These individuals are assumed to be both phenotyped and genotyped.  The number typed in this box must be a positive integer.

                                                             ii.      The researcher who is planning a study, and who wants to know what sample size is necessary, in the presence of errors, to achieve a given asymptotic power level should choose "Sample size for fixed power".

1.      Asymptotic Power level

In this box, you specify the asymptotic power you would like for your study. This number must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1. It is usually a number closer to 1.

2.      Ratio of Controls to Cases

In this box, you specify the ratio of the number of controls to the number of cases that you expect to have for your study. The number entered here must be a positive real number. The most common number used is 1 (equal number of cases and controls).


b.     Significance level

Here, you specify the significance level of the test. This value is the probability of falsely rejecting a true null hypothesis. This number must be positive and less than 1. Typically, it is chosen to be less than or equal to 0.05.


c.      Genotype Frequency Generation

                                                               i.      Genetic model free method

You choose this option if you do not know or do not want to specify the genetic model parameters such as disease prevalence, disease allele frequency, genotype relative risks, or proportion of linkage disequilibrium  for your study. When choosing the genetic model free method, you specify the frequency distribution of genotypes 11, 12, and 22 for cases and controls. You may specify or not specify Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) for the case and control populations.

1.      Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium specified

If you specify HWE, then the genotype frequency distribution is a function of two parameters, (1 allele frequency in cases) and  (1 allele frequency in controls). These parameters must be real, positive numbers less than 1. The genotype frequencies of 11, 12, and 22 in cases (respectively, controls) are:  ,  and  , ,  respectively.

2.      No Specification of Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

If you do not specify HWE, then the genotype frequencies are a function of four parameters:  (11 genotype frequency in cases);  (22 genotype frequency in cases);  (11 genotype frequency in controls);  (22 genotype frequency in controls). Note that the parameters are all real, positive numbers subject to the constraints:



Note also that the heterozygote genotype frequencies in cases and controls are given by the formulas:




                                                             ii.      Genetic model based method

You choose this option if you have estimates for the following six parameters: the disease prevalence ; the genotype relative risks  and  (Schaid and Sommer, 1993); the disease allele frequency ; the marker 1-allele frequency ; and a measure of linkage disequilibrium between alleles d and 1 . With the exception of the genotype relative risks, all parameters must be positive real numbers that are less than one. The genotype relative risks are defined as:




where .


The values , are commonly referred to as the penetrance values.


Some common disease modes of inheritance are determined by constraints on the genotype relative risk. For example:


In PAWE, you enter the  value and the mode of inheritance, and the program computes the  value. Note that, if no constraints are placed on  and  (we use the term “unconstrained”), then they can be any positive numbers greater than one. Finally, we mention that = 1 means complete disequilibrium, the scenario with the highest power, and = 0 means no disequilibrium, the null scenario (no power).


d.     Linear Trend Test Weights

Here, you specify the weights of the trend test statistic, corresponding to the genotypes 11, 12, and 22. The weights reflect an ordering of the genotypes. For example, in our work, the risk allele at a SNP locus is the 1 allele. If we have a dominant mode of inheritance, then we expect that the 22 genotype does not increase risk, while the 11 and 12 genotypes do. We may choose the weights (1, 1, 0) for the 11, 12, and 22 genotypes respectively. Similarly, suppose that the trait acted in a recessive manner. Then we would choose the weights (1,0,0) for the 11, 12, and 22 genotypes respectively. The most commonly used weights for unknown modes of inheritance are (2,1, 0). See Slager and Schaid (2001) for more information.


Very important note: If you choose weights that do not reflect the true risk genotypes, your sample sizes for a fixed power will increase dramatically. Similarly, your power for a fixed sample size will drop dramatically. For example, in the first example above, if you choose the weights (0,1,1) instead of (1,1,0), you will either lose power or increase sample size (two undesirable effects). When in doubt, we recommend that you use the (2,1,0) weights.


e.      Genotype Error Model

For this option, you have the choice of selecting one of three error models that you think best explains your data. The choices are:


                                             i.            Gordon Heath Liu Ott (GHLO) error model (Gordon et al., 2001)

The parameter settings for this error model are:




Both entries must be positive real numbers less than 1.0. Note that in this error model, loci that are in HWE before errors are still in HWE after introduction of errors.


                                           ii.            Douglas Skol Boehnke error model (Douglas et al., 2002)

The parameter settings for this error model are:




Both entries must be positive real numbers less than 1.0. In this error model, it is not possible for one homozygote (e.g., 11) to be misclassified as another (e.g., 22). Also, for the  parameter, we specify that the 12 genotype (heterozygote) has an equal probability (0.5) of being incorrectly coded as 11 or 22 (homozygotes). See (Gordon et al., 2001) for more details.  


                                         iii.            Mote and Anderson error model (Mote and Anderson, 1965)

The parameter settings for this model are:

= Pr(12 genotype observed | 11 true);

= Pr(22 genotype observed | 11 true);

= Pr(11 genotype observed | 12 true);

= Pr(22 genotype observed | 12 true);

= Pr(11 genotype observed | 22 true);

= Pr(12 genotype observed | 22 true).


The MA model is the most general error model possible in that it can describe all other error models. As noted above, the MA model is described by 6 parameters.  The GHLO and MA error models allow for errors in which one homozygote is incorrectly miscoded as another homozygote. The following constraints are needed for the MA error model:



3.    Program Output

The PAWE program reports most of the input parameters that the user enters, as well as the following items:


a.      Non-centrality parameter

                                                               i.      For a given test of association (linear trend or genotypic), this parameter completely determines either the asymptotic power or sample size calculations. To see how the asymptotic power calculations are performed, please see Ahn et al. (2007) and Gordon et al. (2002). The non-centrality parameters for both errorless data and data with errors are presented.

                                                             ii.      Asymptotic power for fixed sample size: power loss

Based on the value of the non-centrality parameter for either the linear trend or genotypic test of association, the asymptotic power of the test is reported for both errorless data and data assuming the particular error model. Also reported is the percent loss in power due to errors in the data.

                                                           iii.      Sample size increase for fixed asymptotic power

Based on the value of the non-centrality parameter for either the linear trend or genotypic test of association, the minimum sample of cases and controls is reported for both errorless data and data given the particular error model. Also reported is the percent increase in sample size needed to maintain constant power when errors are present.


b.     Genotype frequencies for errorless data

Based on the parameters entered for genotype frequency generation (Section 2.c), the genotype frequencies in cases and controls are computed for errorless data.


c.      Matrix of Penetrances

The entries of this matrix are the conditional probabilities Pr(observed genotype i | true genotype j) where i and j are in the set of the genotypes 11, 12, or  22. These conditional probabilities, also called penetrances, are used in calculating the genotype frequencies in the presence of errors (see Section 3.d).


d.     Genotype frequencies for error data

Using the genotype frequencies in cases and controls for errorless data (Section 3.b), and the matrix of penetrances (Section 3.c), genotype frequencies in cases and controls are computed for error data. These values are used to compute the non-centrality parameters for error data (Section 3.a). For more details on how this computation is performed, please see Gordon et al (2002) and Ahn et al. (2007).

Please cite the references below in bold when using results from the PAWE webtool.



Ahn, K., Haynes, C., Kim, W., Fleur, R.S., Gordon, D., and Finch, S.J. (2007). The effects of SNP genotyping errors on the power of the Cochran-Armitage linear trend test for case/control association studies. Ann Hum Genet 71, 249-261.

Douglas, J.A., Skol, A.D., and Boehnke, M. (2002). Probability of detection of genotyping errors and mutations as inheritance inconsistencies in nuclear-family data. Am J Hum Genet 70, 487-495.

Gordon, D., and Finch, S.J. (2005). Factors affecting statistical power in the detection of genetic association. J Clin Invest 115, 1408-1418.

Gordon, D., Finch, S.J., Nothnagel, M., and Ott, J. (2002). Power and sample size calculations for case-control genetic association tests when errors are present: application to single nucleotide polymorphisms. Hum Hered 54, 22-33.

Gordon, D., Heath, S.C., Liu, X., and Ott, J. (2001). A transmission/disequilibrium test that allows for genotyping errors in the analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphism data. Am J Hum Genet 69, 371-380.

Miller, M.B., Schwander, K., and Rao, D.C. (2008). Genotyping errors and their impact on genetic analysis. Adv Genet 60, 141-152.

Mote, V.L., and Anderson, R.L. (1965). An Investigation of the Effect of Misclassification on the Properties of Chi-2-Tests in the Analysis of Categorical Data. Biometrika 52, 95-109.

Pompanon, F., Bonin, A., Bellemain, E., and Taberlet, P. (2005). Genotyping errors: causes, consequences and solutions. Nat Rev Genet 6, 847-859.

Schaid, D.J., and Sommer, S.S. (1993). Genotype relative risks: methods for design and analysis of candidate-gene association studies. Am J Hum Genet 53, 1114-1126.

Slager, S.L., and Schaid, D.J. (2001). Case-control studies of genetic markers: power and sample size approximations for Armitage's test for trend. Hum Hered 52, 149-153.