Map Interpolator of the Rutgers Map

This application allows interpolation of map positions on the Rutgers second- and third-generation combined linkage-physical maps (Rutgers Maps v.2 and v.3 for Builds 36 and 37.3, respectively). It allows you to determine the cM-scale linkage-based map position for a particular genetic element given its physical position.

Note #1: Our maps were constructed using the Kosambi map function.

Note #2: This interpolator uses our smoothed v.2 (Build 36) and smoothed v.3 (Build 37.3) maps. It does not verify whether or not the physical position for a particular marker or genetic element in your query is correct. Use one row per physical position. If your query includes column header(s) in the first row, select "Present," and note that your headers will be replaced by our headers.

Note #3: The Rutgers Maps v.2 and v.3 use Build 36 coordinates and Build 37.3 coordinates, respectively. To convert physical positions from previous or into succeeding builds we recommend the UCSC liftOver tool.

We are happy to assist you with your project. Please email Tara Matise or Andrew Nato if you need help (converting from other linkage maps or from other genome builds, or performing large-scale conversion or interpolation). Any suggestions for features that would be useful to improve the utility of our maps are also appreciated.

Build:      Chromosome: 

Query Format:
Physical positions (bp) only
Marker names and physical positions (bp)
Chromosome, marker names, and physical positions (bp)
Map [Chromosome, marker names,
     genetic locations (cM), and physical positions (bp)]

Query Column Header(s): Present Absent

Input Type:
Paste query:

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© 2014 Matise Laboratory of Computational Genetics